*please note that the factory packaging may vary but will look like one of the pictures listed on this auction. All items are factory vacuum sealed in plastic wrap* Compatible with all Air-O-Swiss Ultrasonic Humidifiers: 7131 / 7133 / 7135 / 7142 / 7144 / 7145 / 7147 / U600 / U650 Description When properly installed and maintained, this cartridge effectively helps to prevent the release of minerals in the air. Please exchange cartridge every 2 – 3 months, hard water usage may require more frequent replacement. Cartridge granules may be refilled with AOS 7533 3-Pack Refill Granules. AIR-O-SWISS offers two options for replacing the demineralization cartridge: Replace the whole cartridge with a new part (Model AOS 7531) or use replacement granules (Model AOS 7533 Refill Granules 3-Pack) to extend the life of the cartridge. Genuine OEM AIR-O-SWISS 7531 UltraSonic Humidifier Demineralization Cartridge. Condition is New. Shipped with USPS First Class Package.